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Stream from Linux to Chromecast

I was looking forward to getting VLC 3 so that I would be able to stream to Chromecast, but that didn’t work. I remember trying the snap version of VLC 3 in Linux Mint and that it streamed just fine. But someone in a forum mentioned that the combination Manjaro and KDE somehow made it impossible. I really like Manjaro and KDE so I was a bit sad about that, but then I read about Gnomecast and lo and behold, it streamed!


You can install Gnomecast by following the instructions on this site. But if you’re using Manjaro you might look for packages without the 3 in pip and setuptools because it’s the default version, to run version 2 though, you have to add the 2 at the end.

Installerat just means installed in Swedish


mikael ~ $ python --version
Python 3.7.3

mikael ~ $ python2 --version
Python 2.7.16

mikael ~ $ pacman -Ss python-pip
extra/python-pip 19.0.3-1 [installerat]
    The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages

mikael ~ $ pacman -Ss python-setuptools
extra/python-setuptools 1:41.0.1-1 [installerat]
    Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages

You can read how to use it on Gnomecast’s own page on Github at keredson/gnomecast.

I had a few problems though.

  1. It did show up in my menu, but when I clicked it, KDE couldn’t find it. To fix that I right clicked the menu icon and chose Edit application and in the Application tab I edited the Command from gnomecast to python -m gnomecast. This also works for Alt+F2.
  2. I also have to quit it and start it again if I want to watch another movie. That I have not fixed.
  3. It took me a while to see the play buttons, because they’re almost invisible.

Other then that, it just works. It also adds subtitles if you have a file.